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  #16 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by MtDewJunkE
credit is given in help>about
OH yeah sure:

"contains software licensed under GPL" blah blah blah

They are THIEVES, who having been cut off from fastrack, hijacked someone elses code and called it their own.

The typical Morph user doesnt understand anything about the fastrack/gnutella inner workings of the program, all they know is they cant leech like before.

I think streamcast is simply using Gnucleus code to buy time, until they can figure out how to get it together, or even what direction they are going to move (IE: they had the fastrack rug pulled out from under them by sharman, had no usable product of there own, stole gnucleus & rebranded.)

They stink and I hope they fess up or get sued(again)
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