how come its so easy to just say go here or click there or wait 15% later to preview when ive down that so many times with some programs/videos after its downloaded 50%.i just get a message nothing preview.seems like phazeddl and rapidshare no matter how bad they might seem to others are much more reliable for decent programs.just have a look at member k009 a child exposed to guys i know u cannot control what people load but check it out first and at least give us a section where we can send abusive junk like that.most of these people who share here arent even members but hackers.we all sometimes dont wanna pay for some program thats why we come here but is it really worth it. im a member at www/ and i can asure u there aint no rubbish allowed cause when u upload a file ect they check it first before publishing..limewire.ect please control ur sites. |