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Old May 28th, 2007
caseybob caseybob is offline
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Posts: 51
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Unhappy Mysterious Lack of Discussion About 'Bandwidth Throttling' by ISP's

Dear Forum Experts: First, I am using LW 4.13 BETA, Win XP Pro w/SP2, AMD Athlon 86, 1.28G SDRAM, 1400MHz clock, 256MB Radeon 9200, HD's 70% free, home. Some weeks ago posted 'Astonishing Statement By ISP', which basically outlined evasiveness about P2P Upload Throttling, and finally an admission by my ISP, they were using BWidth throttling for P2P Uploads. To my knowledge, this is by far the most serious problem facing open source P2P's across North America, affecting millions of users. BUT, for some reason it is a very rare Forum discussion topic. Is this the unmentionable 'third rail' of P2P's, like Social Security is for politicians? Surprised that above mentioned post received so little helpful response, except from 6Pac & one other member. During a test of almost two weeks, when I upgraded to 5Mbit (8X faster) with my ISP and left LW share on for days, found that with the advertised optimum UPload of 125KBYTES per sec, LimeWire sharing UPloads were STILL throttled to a maximum of 3KILOBYTES per sec! My log showed a ratio of successful 100% share UPloads (x?), of one to well over an average of 300 hits (y?). I am in city about half mile from node (well within distance limits), and their early evasive excuses about traffic variation is hogwash. It stays at 3KB UP whether it is 4PM or 4AM. I have followed many useful tips by Forum experts; they are great. The core principle of LW and others, is sharing. What could be more important? My principal question remains; why is there almost no discussion about this vital topic? Waiting to hear from the many great expert members. Thanks, caseybob
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