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Old May 30th, 2007
handyboy56 handyboy56 is offline
Join Date: May 30th, 2007
Posts: 4
handyboy56 is flying high
Question Resuming Downloads

I am new to Lime Wire and there is a problem I am encountering.
Ok, heres my situation, I search for a song, find the one I want, download the song, then it starts to download. (i have dial-up so it takes a bit) I then have to go somewhere and i need to get off the computer, so I disconnect limewire and the internet. When I come back the the computer and want to resume downloading the songs I get on the internet, connect limewire and resume the songs. The songs (in the download section of limewire) will say "Queued" then "Connecting" and finally "waiting for stable connections." It will then go back and forth form "connecting" and "waiting for stable connections." My questions are how do I get the songs to download from a host again, and why arn't my connections stable.
Thanks for the assistance,
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