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Old May 30th, 2007
Jaredtipton1 Jaredtipton1 is offline
Join Date: May 29th, 2007
Posts: 5
Jaredtipton1 is flying high

Ok I still can't get it to work. Anything else I can do. I can't find a phone number to McAfee. All they want you to do is e-mail them. You can't get a real person on the phone anymore. I thought maybe they could help me out. Thank you for trying to help me. This is making me so mad. Anything else that might help please let me know. I hate for my computer not to be protected because before I didn't have anything. Just the security stuff from Yahoo. The McAfee program came wth my computer. If i uninstall McAfee then nothing will be protected.. right? I'm still so confused with all of this stuff. Thank you again.
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