Originally posted by Unregistered I have LimeWare 2.2.1, and in the beginning it worked OK. I could shut the program down, and when I came online gain, it would resume any file that wasn't complete. Last time I went on - today - all the current downloads were gone from the download list, but they were still in the temp directory.
When I found one I had a part of, it would resume correctly as I see it.
But why can't I choose
"Resume all incomplete files" and then it searches for any of these online, and resumes them. Preferably using hash/size match, as so many jerks out there renames the files. It is to benefit of ALL if the names stay the same. And if you want to put a comment about "share, share" or whatever, leave it out of the file name, use the description, PLEASE ! |
The next version of LimeWire will use HASH (as I saw on the forums), but this isn't the problem. The problem is that LimeWire overwrites the file, EVEN IF IT'S THE SAME, and the developers don't really care!