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Old June 3rd, 2007
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Default "FirstLook" the Saviour !!!

Well finally after about 6+ weeks FirstLook is available again. What a saviour. Life is back to normal in SL. For some reason packet loss is minimised. So why is FirstLook not available ALL the time, not just when the Lindens feel inspired to release it. There are a number of people in the same boat as me who cannot use the normal SL program properly but solve their problem using FirstLook. SL is the first p2p program I have come across that dogmatically forces everyone to use a single version regardless of whether it works for everyone or not. And fact is, with all p2p programs there are always a notable percentage of persons who can not use the most recent or particular version thus stay with what they have or go back a version. FirstLook should be available 100% of the time for all users if they are struggling with the main SL program. Doing so is not making the network go backward, it is catering for everyone.

Note the packet loss sample image below & compare it to the packet loss of the above attachments in the previous post. 1% compared to over 20%. Also, user differences are: 1. Rezzes buildings almost immediately. 2. Rezzes people almost immediately (though they may be grey, at least they can be seen.) 3. Less inventory issues. 4. As a result of less packet loss, no clothes or object issues when adding or removing them from the AV. 5. Objects are more easily rezzed to the ground or returned to inventory.

The 2nd attachment GiF below is taken from a club. Same club as an image above where the building can't be seen. The AV was logged directly into the club & the walls rezzed within a second or 2. Other minor details a little longer. Packet loss was a little high for about a minute .. about 14%. But over time this settled down. As can be seen by both frames of the GiF image, the average packet loss became minimal after 10-20 mins.
Attached Thumbnails
SL suffering due to USA servers-firstlook-pl.jpg   SL suffering due to USA servers-firstlook-club.gif  
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