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Old June 3rd, 2007
goodkid1 goodkid1 is offline
Join Date: June 18th, 2005
Posts: 38
goodkid1 is flying high

Same here for Verizon Los Angeles and SBC Global in Newport Beach CA. Lord/Rings is trying to be helpful, but in his frustrations to miffed posters, he says LW is fine....every other entity is wrong. While this might well be true, it doesn't help users. "Lord"....something NEW is going on out there, and we must find out what. If the "surgery" (LW) is still successful, but the "patients" (users) continue to die, it doesn't suffice to say LW is fine. If it is not you who is qualified to do the detective work, who is? I wish I could say it was me, but I am not an internet or computer expert. Hellllllllp......
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