Thread: How to be nice
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Old March 14th, 2001
lightstone lightstone is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: February 20th, 2001
Location: st paul, MN,
Posts: 117
lightstone is flying high

I think your asking about incoming connections. It really doesn't matter, once a connection is made it acts the same nomatter if it was incomeing or a connectiion initated by your Servant. If you have two connections up they SEE though you to each other. One is a dead end and their are Refector/Mirroed sites that help with this problem. Nice that you are conserned. The network is only used for searching, DOWNLOADS DON'T GO THRU THE NETWORK. They are Servant to Servant.

Could I be so humble as to suggest that your down load folder not be in your shared folder. Check the files before moving them to share, both start and end of files. This would have prevented the current Worm from getting started. Also when Selcting which file to download look to see if their are others of the same size, thats an indication of a good file.

Its up to us to do our own house keeping, after all we are all the Hosts of this network.


[This message has been edited by lightstone (edited 03-14-2001).]
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