LimeWire acting-up issue Thanks Wondering Why -- that was alot of help.
Yes, I am on a MacBook (which is why I accidentally put this in the Mac section), but I'm running Windows XP so I should have put this in the Windows section. I used Boot Camp so I can run Mac OS X and Windows XP on the same computer (a MacBook), and I switch back and forth between the two often. I have LimeWire installed on both OSes but it's on Windows that I was having this problem, so apologies for putting this one in the wrong section.
Anyways, I followed the instructions in your link and, after reinstalling LimeWire, I launched it and then closed it, and it has yet to restart itself, and it's been about 15 minutes, whereas before it was restarting it self in less than 15 seconds, so I think it has worked!
Anyways, I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out with that one. I'm still in the process of setting up and organizing both my operating systems (just got MacBook two weeks ago) and this LimeWire issue was not making it any easier for me, so it's very nice to have that one off my back. Thanks again for your help, Wondering -- much appreciated.
-- B-Tron |