things that need to be fixed Ok so first of all before i start complaining - the program is good and very promissing - i likei t a lot
now to make it really good.
1, better source management - so removal of down sources - ie sources who are no longer online - fix the search system for new sources it doesn't seem to work when i selct find more mirrors i still get no increase in mirrors.
2, i don't know if i wa clear enough and whther you understood me well, when i referred to the arranging in ascending and descending orderi n the search window i wanted to imply that it is not working that is the searches are not arranged in any order they stil remain random.
3, ok here is a feature that would really be great ; i tend to call it target speed managemnet - ie when you select a download you set a traget speed eg 10kb/s and the program automatically researches for new sources if the speed available is lower than the target. let's say i download an mp3 and set 10kb/s target speed - the doanload starts and i get only 5kb/s then the program leave about 2minutes ot pass and then tries to search for new host for about a minute then stops if spped still not target leaves another 3 minutes and treies to search again.
that's all for now about that crash when can i find that file you said about so that can sned it to you and where do isend it to you? |