Crashing Windows XP I am a Morpheus user that has just downloaded/installed Morpheus Preview Edition (MPE), which I understand is now using the Gnutella P2P network instead of the old Kazaa platform. I am posting this message here because I saw no specific forum for Morpheus users. Since I have installed it, it keeps crashing Windows XP with a stop message on a blue screen of death. I figured maybe it was MPE, so I decided to go directly to Gnutella and try the Gnotella client. It does the same thing, as well as Gnucleus. The error message was "An error has occured and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LES_OR_EQUAL..." and it mentioned one of my Alcatel SpeedTouch USB DSL modem drivers, alcan5wn.sys, however it never happens when I browse normally or use any other internet software. Any insight would be much appreciated. |