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Old June 12th, 2007
cfoulstone cfoulstone is offline
Join Date: June 12th, 2007
Posts: 4
cfoulstone is flying high
Unhappy Struggling to Connect - Office LAN

Hi - I'm new here but have used Limewire Pro for quite some time now.

I have just upgraded to Vista on my laptop and encouraged a colleague to try the basic version of Limewire on his XP run laptop - both are unable to connect through the office LAN.

My previous installation of Office XP, which is still bootable on my laptop, still manages a healthy Limewire connection using the LAN in our office (despite the brickwall image in front of the globe)

I have ran through the settings on both machines to match the existing install on my old OS but still get nothing.

The configurations are detailed below:

1. 2 machines - 1 Vista and 1 XP SP2
2. Vista has windows firewall only - XP has ZoneAlarm (doesn't work even with ZA closed down)
3. 2GB RAM on Vista; 1GB on XP
4. 60+ GB Available HDD on Vista; 35+ GB on XP
5. Office/Corporate LAN for both
6. N/A - see above
7. Work
8. LW Pro 4.12.11 on Vista and Java 1.5.0_03
9. Corporate Connection for ISP
10. Got a 'test worked' response from test on both machines
11. Complex office network sharing files and printer but not programmes
12. Used Limewire hundreds of times before both from work and from home
13. Brick wall is shown in front of globe on both machines now and also when booting with old OS
14. Previous version on XP worked using UPnP so tried this first - also tried using a proxy connection but failed (both machines)
15. No A/V on Vista at the moment; only ZA on XP machine (LW still cannont connect when ZA is shut down)
16. Living in the UK

Any help and/or assistance would be much appreciated.
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