Uninstall Java from control panel.
Goto program files = c:\program files
Delete the Java folder = c:\program files\java
double click 'internet options' in the control panel.
Scroll down to 'Microsoft VM'
untick "java console enabled" & "Java logging enabled"
Tick "JIT compiler for virtual machine"
Click OK
Restart Machine
Hope this helps
Originally Posted by RBPme Thanks for that tonytau , the Limewire problem is cured,but there are strange things going on. I lost all access to my different programs last night,but got them back by rebooting. I have noted a large amount of Java 'Bits' in my zone alarm program section ,many more than there was before,is this normal?
when i deleted the old versions there were some 'Bits' that would not delete, and they were listed and an instruction came up that said "could not be deleted,you will have to delete manually". not knowing how, i did not. Do you think this is causing problems?
thanks for help , just as i minimised this window a note saying "a runtime error has occured do you wish to debug"? anything to do with java? i would not know how to de bug but it may help?
lots of questions sorry |