Me talk DOS, too !
In fact, me talk Q-DOS !
I know what I am talking about here... Sure, you may be able to get LW running OK via Vista... So what ?
Vista is garbage.
MY first comp (purchased) was a DIGITAL PDP-8 in 1971... That was interesting... This latest stuff is just study, buy, paste and glue...
(Then people come here or elsewhere and complain about what crap a particular Gnutella Client is cuz they've deleted all of their downloads and shared files...
"Copy" - "Move" - "Undo..." Wot's dat ?)
If your dad talkee the DOS, than he must be able to see how trully invasive and negative Vista actually is...
The above is not me gassing on with some ego-trip... Not of any importance to me... I do the Mod stuff here ONLY to make the Gnutella Network better for me ! Selfish, hmmm ?
So, maybe you get LW up and running... Next ?
What favourite progs of your father WILL NOT RUN on Vista, hmmm ?
My reply was only to try to assist you, LONG-TERM !
And, of course you need an OS !
Sugestions, if you want real stability... Windows 2000 Pro SP4 or XP Pro and/or Linux UBUNTU with proper Java installs and regular updates.
Short of that, you is in the jungle.
Vista is a Spanish word for 'view'... In that same idiomatic vane, Vista is 'oscura' !
Another word, en español, is ------ ¡ MIERDA !
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