Thread: LW plus Vista
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Old June 17th, 2007
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McAfee is a big one for connecting issues and having McAfee and Avast is not such a good idea as they can clash with each other and leave you unprotected...Also you should only run 1 firewall, choose which one you want and disable the others..

It sounds like a graphics issue, but normally when you run Vista-McAfee-Limewire, limewire will close down, maybe your screen is going funky instead...

It could also be a Java issue...So firstly try this...
Uninstall your Java from the add/remove programs and then re-install the JRE 5.11 offline version....
Archive: Download Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Update 11

Then try deleting your preference folder...
Fixes for Limewire when LW isn't operating as it should

If that does not help, you may have to have a look at McAfee...These threads explain different ways members got their set ups running smoothly...

So hopefully those fixes will get you up and running, but (there's always a but) if you configure McAfee correctly and you still see a firewall icon, your D-Link could have a Nat Firewall...

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