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Old June 17th, 2007
meanddeb meanddeb is offline
Join Date: June 5th, 2007
Posts: 4
meanddeb is flying high
Default Mr (??files won't download)

Hello to everyone,
Not new to LW , been using it for years,But I have a problem with it now that really bugs me.
I type in a search item and I get a bunch of listings for the file but
none of the listing are active nor have they become active in the last 6 weeks.
Why is this? Why would I get so many listings and them not be active or on line.
Why would LW even list a dead feed on a search that is run ?
This is a total waste of time and sever use wouldn't you think ?
I try the find more sources option and there is nothing else to find ,
just dead listing.
I think LW needs to rethink thier plan on this matter, It is very aggrivatting to say the least when you are looking for stuff.
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