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Old June 21st, 2007
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6_pac 6_pac is offline
Psst...over here!
Join Date: April 5th, 2005
Location: Lookin for you
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6_pac is a glorious beacon of light

If you still want the Pro version you'll have to buy it again. Pro is good for 6 months of free updates, during which you can d/l it as much as you want. After that you have to buy it again. That's why it's a good idea to make a copy of it on a disc incase for some reason you lose the program(virus, crash, hdd catches fire , ect).

If you don't want to pay again you can always d/l the Basic version, Which in my opinion is just as good as the Pro. Either way, make sure you get it from the official site: Lime Wire » Download LimeWire.

Good luck and let us know if you have any problems .
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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