(brand new hp m8000n)
1. OS version? vista
2. What firewalls you have? Norton internet security, also i guess the one that comes with vista (hp total care advisor?)
3. How much ram? 2G
4. Hard Disk space available? 500G
5. Connection type? road runner
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers? the one that came with the RR service Terayon TJ715x
7. Where are you trying to connect from? house
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? LW 4.2.11, Java 1.5.0_03
9. Who is your ISP (Internet Service Provider)? Time Warner Cable
10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here:
http://www3.limewire.com:6346/ It worked
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? No
12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user. Had older LW with older computer, worked fine, now new LW with new comp and Vista has this problem. If i shut down LW then re-open, it goes fast again for like 1min then slows down. Have to keep Closing and opening LW.
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? No
For those using a modem/router, how is your modem/router set up...are you port forwarding or is UPnP enabled? Unsure, I didnt modify it at all, wouldn't know how to really
15. What security programs are you using (antivirus etc)? Norton internet security, firewall is disabled
16. What country are you living in? USA