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Old July 3rd, 2007
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Originally Posted by 415qtpie View Post
UK Bob: OK, that's all well & good... are you or are you NOT sharing files?
Originally Posted by ukbobboy01
Yet I can see ... people ... downloading files from my PC.
He does share files. As he said himself, he still gets uploads. As for why LW still has the option which doesn't work properly, good question. It apparently stopped working or was disabled several versions ago because they found it to be unreliable.
Originally Posted by 415qtpie View Post
LOTR: I'm all for playing Ultra Peer(it sounds so - what would I need to do?
Nothing. The network decides if you are needed as an ultrapeer. You need to be properly configured firewall wise & not see the brick wall in front of blue globe icon at bottom of LW's window. You need to have lots of spare bandwidth for (download &) upload in particular & show this in your settings. UP option needs to be enabled or should I say not disabled. I only became a UP after upgrading my adsl speed from adsl1 to adsl2 with over 10 times the upload capacity. I also changed my connection speed setting from modem to T3. It was a sudden shock to find my LW connected to so many people. The reason I checked was because people are normally uploading from me immediately I open LW, but then I noticed nobody was ... so checked out what was going on. But UP's will still often do both, just in my instances I haven't noticed them do it so far whilst in UP mode.
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