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Old July 4th, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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The way to see if files are being found is go to LW's Library window, select the folder that is being shared. Look to the columns to the right. Under Hits will show how many files were found in other people's searches.

People can find files via both filename & id3 tag. Both work, but I think it works best if both are included. BTW you can also add tags via LW. Using the Description button. The more info the better.

BTW you yourself cannot search your own files. LW was not designed for that.
But keep an eye out on the Hits & Upload columns in the LW Library. I would also recommend against saving your files into WMA format. Many people simply filter them out of search results due to that format often being used by spammers.

Oh ... and you need to Add the files to share. Check the folder with your music in LW Library. Is it there? If yes, are the songs red or black? If red, select all & right click & choose share. If not found in Library, then go to Tools>Options>Sharing & press add button & direct to where the folder is & select. Then press apply button. The files will take a little while to hash to become available to the network depending on how many & how large the files are. Once they have turned black, they are hashed & ready for sharing.

Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? Sample image (click link)
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