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Old July 4th, 2007
davidd523 davidd523 is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2007
Posts: 1
davidd523 is flying high

I am running limewire (current version) on a 3rd gen macbook (1gig ram, 2ghz, about 30 gigs left on hard drive) limewire has been working fine for about 3 weeks, but this morning, when i tried to open it, it would open, then i would click the "later" button on the window asking if i wanted to download pro. then limewire would just close immediately.

i tried reinstalling the software, deleting the prefs folder out of the library, restarting my macbook, etc. The same problem.

I did a google search on the issue and it turns out tons of mac users are having the same problem. Im going to try and install a previous version of limewire and see if it does the same thing. Ill keep you posted.

in the meantime.... can someone HELP!!! im DESPERATE!!!
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