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Old July 6th, 2007
Xowe Xowe is offline
Join Date: July 6th, 2007
Posts: 3
Xowe is flying high
Cool General Connection problems

Hi everyone...

I had a problem with Limewire, and it appears I'm not alone. Many people are reporting the same problem, where, they cannot connect to any peers and all firewall and other settings check out perfectly. I spent some time messing with Limewire, checking all the firewall settings, and even putting my computer straight on the Internet (No firewall at all) with no luck. I own the ISP I am running through, so I know we arn't blocking anything.

My solution was to make a connection, using Add under the connections tab, to an ultrapeer I got from a friend's limewire. As soon as I did that, 3 Ultrapeers connected and everything worked perfectly. It would appear that there is some blocking, on Limewire's side, by their UDP Host Cache servers of our block of IP addresses (Or perhaps some other reason revolving around the UHC).

I have placed a help-file for our customers, which you are all welcome to look at, with connection information. It has a link to an automatically updating peer list if anyone needs it. TDCNet Helpfiles: Limewire Problems

I don't know why Limewire doesn't publish a list of their Ultrapeers, It would have saved me a whole bunch of time.
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