You don't need the symbolic link. In true it is a false solution. When you install java it don't install it in a wait that alow the systeme to find it.
The PATH search for the comend in a shell don't countain java. If you don't understand it is normal, it is a complacated thing.
to update your path in one consol enter(you need to do it each time you start a consol) PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/bin
to update your path for all time(active only for new consol, not for actual,close them and open again) put the same line in the file /etc/bashrc
-->for people who begin with linux only add PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/bin at the end of the file /etc/bashrc
you won't need the symbolic lynk (message above)
(I assume you use a bash shell, ok with redhat) |