Originally Posted by cosimaf Hi,
This is my very first post here. I joined last night so I hope I'm posting this the right way. I think it'd be nice if there was a search feature included in the limewire library, like windows media player has, so that you could just type in the name of the song or artist you're looking for in what you've already downloaded. This would save the time of having to look through every single thing in there to find what you want. Not all songs will be listed under the name of the song or artist and unless you keep a written list of the ones that aren't, it can take a while to find.Many of the song have track numbers in front of them. |
Beta versions 4.13.0 & onwards have this feature
If you'd like to try the latest Beta (4.13.11), you'll see an option for download on the usual LW download page.