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Old July 13th, 2007
Avestaria Avestaria is offline
Join Date: July 13th, 2007
Posts: 3
Avestaria is flying high
Default Downloading issue, most likely a firewall problem.

Yes, I know of the search option and have used it. I'm nowhere near a computer savvy, so the posts I came across were just jibberish to me. :/ I'm hoping someone has the time to walk me through things? OK so, here's my problem;

I'm able to download songs perfectly fine, download takes no more then 30 seconds. But when I go to download a movie, I'm stuck at connecting for 30 minutes and then it goes to "Waiting on busy host". Yes, LW says I'm behind a firewall, but the only firewall I know of is shut off. I'm aware, now, that my modem/router may have a firewall aswell, but I'm not aware of how to shut that off. Any tips would be appreciated. (:

ISP: Insight Broadband.
Modem: RCA #DCM425
Router: Belkin #F5D7230-4
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