Originally posted by Unregistered Isn't it about time we let the government issue a license to use Gnutella? People really need to be trained before using it.
Ultrapeers arn't for you to connect to 20 of them, just one only. Plus they should be only for modem users. Cable modem users should try to become ultrapeers and help the network.
You greedy *******s are why the network has problems. You want it all and want it now and will take down the network to get it. You don't care about anyone else but yourself and what YOU can get for yourself. Go back to Kazza, please. |
First of all I didn't realize I was harming the network by connecting to 20, and LimeWire's default is like 3 so obviously the developers think you should connect to more than the 1 that you suggest. And how dare you call me a “greedy *******!” This very moment I am sharing 1298 high quality files over my cable modem with 5 upload slots! Mostly music with a few movies and music videos. By connecting to more superpeers I enable more people to find my stuff.
Cable users should NOT be superpeers because of there extremely limited upload bandwidth. If people took your suggestion and cable users became superpeers we would have very inefficient superpeers and it would sort of defeat the purpose of having superpeers.
I actually bother to register on this board and participate in discussions involving the network and you call me a “greedy *******!” And how can you blame us “greedy *******s” for all of the networks problems! If you would actually register and read once in wile you would realize that one of the major problems is the fact that we have many versions of the protocol running at the same time and the older ones as well as some clients that like to blast the network with re-searches are our biggest problem! I would highly suggest you either go to Kazaa, or do a little research and stop calling productive gnutella users “greedy *******s.” OK Mr. Unregistered?