I've been reading your fourm's for a few days now trying to fix my P2P problem (limewire is obviously the one im most concerned about) and as hard as i've tryed i could not get any connection to establish. Here is my information real quick.
Can you give us a total description of your set up:
1. Vista Ultimate 64bit
2. Only Vista's (i obliterated Nortan in a fit of rage

3. 4 gigs
4. 66.4 gigs or 48% of my system
5. Cable (fox valley internet)
6. Using a linksys but as i type i set a direct connection up assuming if it was router it would work fine (but its not

7. Home
8. LW 4.12/Java 6
9. Fox Valley internet
10. Not sharing with other computers
11. Your test says it worked fine
These details are vital if you want us to find out what your connection problem is.
* Did you configure your firewall so it allows LW full access (advisable not to have 2 active firewalls b/c they can interfere with each other.
This is a yes.
12. Do This test, Is the result True/False?
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...757#post103757 Is the result True/False
With recieved this session i recieved a false
13. Do a speed test post the results here.
The results were: 597kbs
Further information: I only have Vista's firewall up, my ISP says P2P connections are not blocked and i have enabled LW as an exception in Vista's firewall. (when i
was connected to my router i allowed UPnP and that did nothing.) I've allowed exceptions for both Windows Peer to Peer Collaboratiosn Foundations and BITS Peercashing in windows firewall settings. I'm offically perplexed as to why its not working

. Thank you for any help i may recieve.