Originally Posted by wondering why That's a really pathethic way of looking at things...You have been told that the browse host is not always reliable...For instance a firewall may be preventing you from seeing what a person is sharing...
I have given my IP number to a friend to browse my files and for about an hour they couldn't do it and all of a sudden it worked...
So don't be so narrow minded...  |
Hea guess what?! It's like walking into my house, take a look around and taking anything they want without permission. Narrow minded?! Whatever! I'm 49 years old and couldn't care less what you think of me on a personal level. I have a suggestion.....send me my 18.88 back and I'll use a different program. If this is your idea of user support, I can do without it. Who the freaking hell are you to pass judgement of others anyway? Your not God. I think something is fishy about the truth of this blocked browse issue.