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Old July 23rd, 2007
The180Curse The180Curse is offline
Join Date: July 23rd, 2007
Posts: 1
The180Curse is flying high
Unhappy Limewire Connected But Music Will Not Download,"Need More Sources", keeps coming up.

I have a problem with Limewire. It seems I have a perfect connection with the network, as the 5 bars are fully lit green-and it also displays the,"No firewall sign", (the earth without the wall). But whenever I try to download a file, the progress percentage stays at 0%, until finally telling me that it,"Needs more sources". I doubt it's spam or anything like that, because this happens with EVERY file I try to download. And it can't be a firewall because limewire and gnutella are put under the exception list.
I really have no idea what to do...

Please help!
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