I have recently upgraded to the paid version of Limewire and ever since I have had more problems with the ability to actually DOWNLOAD or ACCESS music than I did with the free verision. Every time I try to down load a song 9 times out of 10 I get "waiting on a busy host" and the other 1 time it says "need more sources" even though there might be hundreds of sources available. Why is this happening and what can I do to make it work for me? Shouldn't the PAID version be more accessable???
I am using Windows XP-SPS 2 with Limewire 4.12.11 Pro, Java 1.6.0_01 with a Turbo charged connection. The fire wall IS up in front of my globe but was also up in front of my globe when I had the free version as well. I have McAffee and it has allowed Limewire full access to the internet as it did with the free version. I use a DSL modem and I have about 1.25 GB of RAM. I am in the USA.
I am not that computer literate so please speak as layman as possible.