Maybe you could answer a couple ? about down****ding. I have read alot of the forums, so it's not like I didn't try.
I was using the free Limewire and could down****d movies. This was a little slow with waiting for sources

. The promise of
more sources and
faster down****ds got me to purchase Limewire 4. something

. At first the speed of down and uploads was great, but then my downloads came to a solw crawl

. I cleaned out my incomplete files, only downloaded files that had 10 to 20 in the #, slowed the broadband to share 60/40. Down****ds 60(I paid for it), uploads 40. Now it takes days to get a movie. What have I done wrong?
I have the new Windows Vista.DSL and I don't what all else you need to know.
If you could help me with this, you would be my new superhero
