Don't know if this is the right place to put this, but putting it here in case other newbies setting up look here and haven't been to: Gnutella Forums > Current Gnutella Client Forums > LimeWire (Cross-platform) > Open Discussion topics > A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...
It is long

but very informative.
Also cos it does relate to Uploads. Anyway,
I have ADSL/modem on a plan of 256 dl/ 64 ul Kbps (or 32 / 8 KB/s) - sorry folks that is all I can afford - and speed tests indicate dl of around 170 Kbps and ul of about 60 Kbps. Dividing by 8 for LW speed units this translates to 21 KB for dl and 7.5 KB for ul.
These speeds are OK for me. I'm in no hurry and going nowhere particular.
However: I was wondering Dear Wondering Why (or someone) if, With settings of:
dl speed - 28.44 KB
ul speed - 19.69 KB
Uploads per person - 1
Uploads slots - 2
Max Downloads - 8
which I know are not as per the thread above but we are dealing with low bandwidth capacity here.
my small bits and bytes are too small for anyone to Upload successfully or
if I should change my settings.
I noted in one thread the maximum downloads possible for LW Pro is 14. Is that the same for basic? Or is it set lower at 8, which seems to be the default?