ok I jsut went through the static Ip thing. All was good until the very end where I go to network connections and stuff. the button was checked on find automaticlaly, and so there was nothing in the IP, Subnet, and defualt gateway boxes just liek the tutorial said, but when I went to manual, there was still nothing in those boxes, and thge tut said that there would be numbers in there that I could write down so if things went bad I could set it back to the way it was.
Anyways, I still enterd the static Ip and stuff in, but it gave me a warning:
"The default gateway is not on the same network segment (subnet) that is defined by the IP address and subnet mask. Do you want to save this configuration?"
What should I do? When I entered the info into that tut to give me an static IP it said I should use
Also I only have one name server (DNS) in my router. Is that normal?
If it is any help, my comp, and my xbox 360 receive the wireless signal. My Sisters comp is the one actually hooked up to the router, and the ADSL modem is also hooked into the router |