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Old July 31st, 2007
roimay roimay is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high
Wink It's a Miracle!

Thank you for your reply and ideas. Will leave settings. Currently am sharing around 30 files (well only just started) but this will increase.
Interestingly only files I had d/l from LW were being u/l'd and none of my own. I turned these files off to see if it would help u/l my own. No it did not.
A friend says she cannot find them - though they are getting lots of hits.
Indeed, while d/l a file of about 570 Mb at poor speed, the whole thing came to a faltering halt (including Mail and Safari) after 20 hrs at around 40 - 50%.

I shut both computer and modem down. Restarted, checked Mail & Safari -OK - reset LW - which automatically started wizard when opened - and I found many of settings had gone esp in sharing. Ensured all files available to share.

Now it is going great guns, even got up to 20 KB/s a few times. So uploading, even if not my own yet, seems to help.

Don't Understand your last re BTW ....... etc. Thanks to your and others info in threads I got rid of firewall a while ago. Your Help and dedication is appreciated.
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