1. Keep in mind ALL OSX progams including the system itself uses virtual memory (VM) which means it temporarily stores memory onto your OSX drive. LW can use a lot of VM if you have a lot of incompletes & shares, & the program has been running for a long time (many days.) Ways to reduce this are to keep shares under 2,000. Keep LW hidden in dock when not in front of computer. Have all downloads & uploads automatically clear after completing. Go to LW's prefs & tick disable Ultrapeer Cap. & press apply button.
Tip: Purge the Downloads Queue! (click on blue link). Let LW settle before using. Keep in mind that as soon as you close a program, the VM is returned to the OSX drive. LW can use up to & over 1 GB in VM depending on those things specified above. You can go to your Utilities folder & open Activity Monitor to keep a check on VM used. This will also give you an idea about exactly how much VM each program & the system is using at any given time.
2. 2 GB really is a bit small for any major program due to VM the larger programs can potentially use. If possible, get another internal or external drive. Move your programs across. This is what I did. It saved quite a few GB's. OH & I also save my LW downloads onto a different drive. My iTunes Library is on an external drive. I keep the iTUnes program on there also so I don't open the progam by mistake & corrupt the iTunes Library prefs. (Sorry for the late reply.)