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Old July 31st, 2007
roimay roimay is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high
Question To Block or not to Block, Peer or not to Peer?

Dear Ring Lord, Sorry to trouble you. But when you said.
In my experience, I always seem to do better when uploading. I also try to share similar to what I am downloading at the time. In that way it helps me to find & connect to users with files I am looking for.
Are you saying I should block video uploads if I want to download audio files?

I ask this as currently I am uploading many (maybe too many- will have to check my monthly limit) video files but cannot download audio ( waiting sources, need more sources, etc) though I know they are the less common ones.

Also am still trying to get my head around ultrapeer, which I seem to be even with such low speed and my ultrapeer box unchecked, and leafs?? and should the OOB Searching box be checked or not. I cannot find appropriate thread. Will keep looking but any pointers appreciated.

BTW. Upnp is enabled and I am Port Fowarding.
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