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  #590 (permalink)  
Old August 1st, 2007
asriel57 asriel57 is offline
Join Date: August 1st, 2007
Posts: 2
asriel57 is flying high
Default asriel57

Hi all, new to the forum today.

Been using Limewire without any problem until I got a bad virus and worm last week and had to format the C: and do a fresh re-install of everything.
Everything is working again EXCEPT Limewire.
Whatever version I download and run, I end up with 2 icons on my desktop. The program seems to have loaded as everything LOOKS normal when running.
I do a search, pick a song and press the Green Download button...and nothing happens. I've disabled my Firewall, no change. I've followed instructions re: creating exceptions..still no downloading.
The only thing different with my PC from before the re-install is that I removed the Soundcard I was using and am now using on-board sound.
Help please. I miss my LimeWire.
Thanks in advance
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