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Old March 31st, 2001
ryan15575 ryan15575 is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2001
Posts: 34
ryan15575 is flying high

First off Linux is far more convenient. Programs that cost hundreds of dollars on Windows (Photoshop, 3d Studio Max, et al.) have free clones available for Linux (GIMP, Blender,etc), not to mention the fact the the OS costs $0, never ever crashes, and never needs the software that windows needs just to refrain from loosing data (Scandisk, regclean, scanreg, norton utilities, Data recovery, virus scanners, etc).

But since I doubt most people have the skills to configure Linux, I don't preach about it either... Unless provoked.

To remove a virus, go to and download their free virus scanner, and free updates every 2 weeks, free for personal use.

To get gnutella working, try uninstalling and reinstalling the client, otherwise, try a different client, preferably FURI.
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