Thread: Avoid the spam!
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Old August 4th, 2007
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AaronWalkhouse AaronWalkhouse is offline
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Cool Avoid the spam!

Here are some basic tips to help cut down on the spam in your search results.

• Add the following to your keyword filters: FilterKeyword.txt
(Alternately, paste this line into freepeers.ini when BearShare is not running): szFilterKeyword.txt

• Add the following to your extensions filters: FilterExt.txt
(Alternately, paste this line into freepeers.ini when BearShare is not running): szFilterExt.txt

• Set the minimum size in all searches.
You can do this by clicking the Advanced button instead of the Search button
and going to the Filters tab.
For Videos: 2 MB and up.
For Apps/Archives: 1500 KB
For Music/MP3 searches: 1 MB
For "Everything" searches: 1500 KB
(You can also add custom keywords here, as well as set some other limits.)

• Save frequently used searches by adding them to your favourites.
All the size filters and other advanced filters will be saved for each one.

• Download and install The TechNutopia Fullsize Hostiles List for BearShare and LimeWire.
Don't forget to subscribe to that thread so you can be notified of updates.

These won't eliminate all the spam but probably will cut it back to tolerable levels,
as well as save a lot of RAM while BearShare is running. Good hunting!
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