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Old March 11th, 2002
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Moak Moak is offline
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Moak is flying high
Post Don't cooperate with BS and LW

it is unethical and unproductive to work with LW and BS.

First they fool users with spyware. In lack of a finance concept they
bundle 3rd party code, which will spy out hundreds and thousands of
newbies users. As a developer inside gnutella, you do indirect support
spyware or use work that is financed with spyware, I do not feel
comfortable with that in mind.

Second, instead of a well documented and fair discussed protocol, I
see more and more chaotic additions to the protocol (on purpose?). Good
for proprietary companies or closed minded thinking, b/c it will keep
away competitors, very bad for an open protocol and supporting new

Third, BS (Vinnie alias Freepeers) is well known for a rude and
proprietary thinking. Stubborn, trying to control or dominate develop-
ment. Last of his achievment is blocking 0.4 clients without any real
technical reason, another step forward to split BS from Gnutella.

Fourth, marketing phrases in Gnutella. Isn't it a joke to claim a
v0.6 support in servents? The current v0.6 is just v0.4 protocol + a
new handhake + undocumented chaos + heavy construction site. What
happened to the name of v0.5, wasn't it good enough? Also it's a joke
to spread that all reliable servents have to have 'ultrapeer'
(superpeer wasn't good enough?). Currently, ultragigahyperpeers from LW
are in heavy construction, not reliable. Of course, dynamic traffic
routing and dynamic network structure is our future (as we know from
FastTrack and eDonkey)... it is just a shame that everyone is allready
speaking about LW's 'ultrapeers' is the new hype without having it
working today? A parallel implementation of a new superpeer concept,
traffic routing and new descriptors could become necesarry, less
marketing plz, more innovations.

Fifth, LW's and BS's loud marketing is unfair against other
developers and more reliable servents. Just because thay claim to have
the best or most powerful servent, they do not have it. Unfourtunatley
this loud "we are better then the others" marketing works and I see LW
and BS are often reported as a reference for Gnutella. As a contrast
the users choice is not BS or LW.

Sixth, LW and BS slightly/secretly seperate from the general Gnutella
network, each of them prefering their own servents over other servents
and running hostcaches which do provide connections to their own
servents only. Another step towards taking over a bigger userbase and
then splitting up the network to a single vendor controlled network,
instead of an united Gnutella community with a variety of good clients.

Free Gnutella developers think about it. I recommend not to work
together with LW and BS anymore in the current way: It is unethical,
unefficient, slows innovations, less fun and Gnutella suffers.
Instead Gnutella needs a briefly documented protocol (RFC), free of
proprietary thinking, marketing, spyware and egoism. Fair cooperation
and communication is the key.

Thx for listening.


Last edited by Moak; March 12th, 2002 at 09:39 PM.
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