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Old August 6th, 2007
ebob2k ebob2k is offline
Join Date: August 6th, 2007
Posts: 3
ebob2k is flying high
Exclamation Empty searches & downloads

After dumping the KaZaA Lite/KaZAooM combination, I've used LimeWire v4.12 for about a year but have not been able to find a LimeWire companion program similar to KaZooM, which would 'stir the pot' of unavailable files in the KaZaA Lite download queue.

For LimeWire downloads, a similar companion program seems to be needed because many sharers seem to drop offline before my downloads were complete, giving me too many incompletes with Awaiting Sources Status.

I've also noticed that, despite saying Waiting XXXs for Sources before finally coming up empty and telling me Awaiting Sources, LimeWire must sometimes be shut down & restarted 3, 4 & 5 times (!!!) before it seems to really connect.

For searches, I sometimes need to open 4 & 5 search panes before one starts to return hits on something that I know is definitely available somewhere.

Has anyone seen similar problems, and has anyone found fixes for them?

Last edited by ebob2k; August 7th, 2007 at 09:06 PM. Reason: clarity
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