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Old August 8th, 2007
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Originally Posted by gearjammer View Post
I have downloaded files identified as FLAC files, and now that they are in library, LW doesn't recognize them and they will not play, how can I convert these files so they will play in either LW or Winamp. I am new to this forum, so I'm not sure how long it takes for an answer, but I shall be waiting patientlyh, Thanx.
I'm not sure if LW player can play FLAC files or not. But you could as .flac onto the extensions it shares if it's not already there ... under Tools>Options>Sharing I think it is.
I've downloaded FLAC files before. But I don't use LW's media player. On that point, I did come across a couple of corrupted/fake FLAC files.

I am not sure if Winamp can play them ... you may need to visit the winamp site & see if they have any flac plug-ins to add to winamp's abilities.

If you were using Mac OSX, I'd recommend using Switch for FLAC files.
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