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Old August 11th, 2007
cosimaf cosimaf is offline
Join Date: July 11th, 2007
Posts: 22
cosimaf is flying high

Yes, I just posted them. I'm able to dowload files and my connection status always says turbo-charged. it's just since dowloading this 4.14 Pro version, both the speed of searches and downloads has slowed down to a crawl and I get fewer search results as well. I do manage to occassionally get some higher speed downloads but mainly it stays in the pretty low ranges lately-like 2-20 something and sometimes in the 30 and 40s or a little higher even less often. I don't see uploads all that often either. I can't remember if that brickwall has always been there or not but I sure never had to configure anything before and it all worked just fine. I'm going to kick myself if it has been there all along when things were working fine. I set my aloowance of uploads to 2 per person and only 2 people at a time, thinking I would save on memory drain or something or to help speed up my downloads so I hope that isn't contributing to the problem.
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