Well Aaron
I don't know about the US but here in the UK if a repair shop looks at your hard drive you would never know unless they found something, after all that is how Gary Glitter got caught (a pop star that had a thing for underage girls).
Mr Glitter's computer broke down and he took it into a repair shop to get it fixed, the repair shop scanned his hard drive, found illegal images and then called the police. The rest of this "Gary Glitter" story is now in the public domain, the BBC has 30 pages starting here:
BBC - Search results for gary glitter
As for kileyg story, I sympathise but his brother ran the risk when he downloaded pornography because some scumbag was bound to rename CP as ordinary porn and catch someone out. Just like they rename children films as CP and we end with "computer novice parents" accusing us (forum members), the LW app, and the LW Org of all manners of evil.
I take it that kileyg brother was not that knowledgable about computers because most of us know that when a file is deleted from a hard drive it does not go immediately, it takes time before the space the file occupies is completely overwritten.
As far as kileyg brothers concerned I think the only thing available to him is the appeal system.
Good Luck.
UK Bob