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Old August 12th, 2007
twisted twisted is offline
Join Date: August 11th, 2007
Posts: 6
twisted is flying high

For the change search license i followed the step by step instructions.. The given pictures for the mac instructions look very similar to my setup.. I click on preferences.. I click on the searching tab.. instead of something that says basic i got something that says limited.. however when i click on the i get the same window with the first box saying maxium searches than its just blank below that.. I don't have another box that says license warning above.. is the license warning somewhere else?

P.S. in pop ups when i click return to default and click apply the window that you click apply on disapears and the preferences is back where is was and the box i checked to revert to default becomes unchecked then i close preferences and no changes have seemed to taken effect..

Considering in my preferences<searching<limited<nothing that says license warning.. In the step by step pictures it shows similar set up with the dialog box above saying maxium searches which is set on 5.. then below that is just white.. blank.. nothing.. nada.. so if the license warning is hidden some where else in the preferences or something please tell.
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