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Old August 14th, 2007
AidanBo AidanBo is offline
Join Date: August 14th, 2007
Posts: 3
AidanBo is flying high
Exclamation Music will download but then will not transfer to mp3 player or anything!!!!!

I downloaded limewire. at firdt everything worked fine and i was able to transfer music from C:/ProgramFiles/Limewire or from my other shared locations to my removable drive (mp3 player) but then about a week after all this worked i kept downloading music and it would not show in C:/programfiles/lime or anywhere else....... i finally noticed a tab stating "Compatability Files" i clicked it and there were all my songs.... well i tried transfering one to my mp3 player and got an error message stating that "Error 0x80070052: The directory or file cannot be created" this is on a Windows Vista Based PC.
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