No worries,.....whether blond or brunette we love all the girls.....and if I'm not mistaken, WW shares not only your gender with you......
......(I'm referring to your hair WW
But she is right in that case, the message is referring only to supposed LW-updates.....
So, what happens if you made a search and tried to download on of the songs you're interested in? Does it go to the Download window below or not?
If it doesn't, do as I recommended in my earlier post. With deleting this folder you kinda reset LW to its default state and when you re-open LW it will ask you again for certain configuration preferences (such as Language) and in that procedure it will ask you something about downloads with (without) license. Just tell them that you want to download even if there is no license for that particular file.
Let's see whether that can solve your issue...