once again, do something productive!! Im not saying who came up with the ideas. I really dont care. I just want them implemented. Yes, 2.5 is still in beta. Why are they behind on multisource? Because they included HUGE first. In my opinion a better choice as it will be more powerfull in the long run.
Xolox was good, it kicked some of the other developers in the butt. But now it is dead, no longer in development!! To bad they didnt/wont release the source. Plus I hated the GUI. Not the point.
I dont care which is the most popular, I just told you what I use. BTW, how scientific do you think zp.com's survey is? Most BS users never go to the site. I rarely do but I never voted. The only people that go there are the ant-BS crowd, so of course they wouldnt choose BS.
BS already has 3.0 code ready to enter testing as soon as 2.5 is shipped.
once again, do something productive!! |