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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2007
senorita senorita is offline
Join Date: July 26th, 2007
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senorita is flying high
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YAY! After a month of trying everything that has actually worked! I did originally uninstall them both but it must have been the other way round...I still don't understand why it suddenly does work even though since as far as I could see ZA was fully allowing LW before but nevermind, I'm happy lol. So thanks

to the person above, Zone Alarm is a firewall program. I suppose you could view a list of programs your computer has, then see if it's on the list if you're not sure. or usually if it's running there is an icon in your system tray at the bottom, and if you hover over them with your mouse it says what the programs are.

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